# Something's wrong

Find solutions to more detailed implementation issues here, contact us through our discord community (linked above) or email support@prefix.app for further help.

# Importing a particular action repeatedly fails

We're actively building out a number of integrations– the pace at which we're pushing things out may mean a few actions currently aren't up to standards. If you're experiencing trouble on the "Test & Import" step of adding actions to your workspace, please let us know– we can likely fix it within the hour.

# A notebook is taking over a minute to respond

If a notebook seems to hang, or seem otherwise stuck, despite what the loading animation may indicate, you have two simple options:

  1. Create a new notebook and try again
  2. Rollback to the last successful message and try again

You'll know a notebook is hanging if it has not responded to your request in over a minute. Notebook responses generally involve a chain of multiple AI calls and algorithmic checks, so we recommend waiting a full minute before giving up. Naturally, we're working on improving our platform to make notebooks respond faster and more accurately.

Last Updated: 2/29/2024, 10:03:42 PM